Leagan Gaeilge anseo
Oidhreacht an Chláir Teo. (OaC) is a community-based company formed to promote the study of the culture of County Clare. It is a company limited by guarantee, not having a share capital. The directors of the company bring a wide range of expertise, talents and interests to the project. Many of them are educationalists and all of them have been involved in the promotion of traditional culture, arts, language and literature for many years at local, national and international levels.
The aim of OaC is to foster and promote the Irish traditional arts in their native environment. The realisation of this aim will include;
- the establishment of an institute for education in the traditional culture of Clare, directed primarily towards the higher education and lifelong learning sectors
- the provision of a permanent, easily accessible, archive and library for material relevant to the traditional arts in general and, in particular, to the abundant material of local relevance
- the provision of a performance centre and associated facilities
It is of primary importance that both contemporary practitioners and local people, as well as students, have access to all three facilities outlined above.
Project Background...
Present and Future plans...
In Conclusion...