ENSEMBLE ÉRIU featuring Jack Talty and Neil O'Loghlen
€16.60 including postage to Ireland
€18.00 including postage to rest of the world
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Drawing on the hypnotic repetition of minimalism and the organic improvisatory spirit of jazz, the music of Ensemble Ériu weaves a rich acoustic tapestry around Irish traditional melodies. Developed by concertina player Jack Talty and double bassist and flute player Neil O’ Loghlen, Ensemble Ériu brings together a chamber ensemble of some of Ireland’s most exciting young musicians from a range of performance backgrounds. The result is a unique combination of the fresh and familiar, a soundscape that is creatively progressive yet rooted in tradition.
Jack Talty – concertina, bass concertina & electronics
Neil O’ Loghlen – double bass, flute & whistle
Matthew Jacobson – marimba & drums
Matthew Berrill – clarinet, bass clarinet
Úna McGinty – violin & viola
Jeremy Spencer – fiddle
Paddy Groenland – guitar
Sam Perkin – piano
Colm O’ Hara – trombone
Saileog Ní Cheannabháin – voice