Selected recordings from the Willie Clancy Summer School 2010
Various performers - see below
A Single CD
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List of Tracks:
Track 1: Tim Collins & Francis Cunningham (concertinas)
The Swallow's Tail & The Foxhunter's (reels)
Track 2: Marcas Ó Murchú (flute)
Kitty Seán's, Jamesy Gannon's Barndance, Chaffpool Post (barndances)
Track 3: Matt Cranitch & Donal O’Connor (fiddles)
The Humours of Lisheen & The Munster Jig (jigs)
Track 4: Donnacha Dwyer (pipes)
Fred Finn's & George White's Favourite (reels)
Track 5: Nell Ní Chróinín (amhrán)
Cath Chéim an Fhia
Track 6: Bryan O'Leary (accordion)
John Clifford's & Callaghan's (polkas)
Track 7: Gerry Harrington (fiddle)
The Wounded Hussar (air), A Ha'penny for a Cotton Ball, All in the Bag, McFadden's Own Reel (reels)
Track 8: Cormac Ó Beaglaoich (concertina)
The Ships are Sailing & Jackson’s (reels)
Track 9: Kathleen Loughnane, Gráinne Hambly, Paul Dooley, Cormac De Barra (harps)
Carolan’s Concerto
Track 10: Kevin Rowsome (pipes)
The Frieze Britches (jig)
Track 11: Tommy McCarthy (song)
Donal Kenny
Track 12: Therese McInerney (fiddle)
Out in the Cold (jig), The Mill House & The Road to Garrison (reels)
Track 13: Paul McGrattan (flute)
An Raibh Tú ag an gCarraig (air), The Mist Covered Mountain (jig), Captain Kelly's (reel)
Track 14: Michelle Mulcahy (concertina)
The Lark in the Morning (jig)
Track 15: Jerry O'Sullivan (pipes)
Toss the Feathers & The Bunch of Green Rushes (reels)
Track 16: Mary & Josephine Nugent (fiddle & flute)
An Buachaill Caol Dubh (air), The Fisherman's Island & Hills and Hollows (reels)
Track 17: Sean McKiernan (whistle)
The Munster Jig & Tell Her I Am (jigs)
Track 18: Bobby Gardiner (melodeon) & Aidan Vaughan (dancer)
The Swallow's Tail, Tomás Clancy’s & The Silver Spear (reels)
Extract from Sleeve Notes:
These recordings are published by OIDHREACHT AN CHLÁIR (OaC) with the cooperation of Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy and with the permission of the artists.
The tracks presented here are selected from the full range of events organised over the week-long summer school in July 2010. They were recorded live and in all cases the performances were intended for the benefit of the audience present and the performers were not aware of any intention to publish.
During the Willie Clancy Summer School, the number of individual public performances runs to many thousands and it is not possible to include them all on this CD. The selection of tracks here is based on a variety of factors, often of a technical nature. It should not be seen as being in any way a competitive process nor a reflection on any individual.
The performers on these recordings are amongst the world’s finest exponents of the traditional arts. OaC would like to thank them for the generous donation of their performances, without which the CD could not have been produced.
Tunes are identified where possible. However, alternative titles may apply.
© All rights reserved.
OaC are not aware of any copyright on the material on this CD other than as indicated. If other copyright has been infringed we will be pleased to hear from the holders.
Published by Oidhreacht an Chláir Teo.
May 2011