Rogha Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy 2007
Selected recordings from the Willlie Clancy Summer School 2007.
Various performers (see below)
A Double CD
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List of Tracks:
CD 1
1. Ceoltóiri na Cathrach:– Molly Bán, George White’s Favourite. (Reels)
2. Séamus O’Rócháin, Bríd O’Donohue:- Mount Phoebus Hunt, Súisín Bán, Set dances
3. Séamus O’Rócháin, Bríd O’Donohue:- The Virginia Reel, The Concert Reel.
4. Tommy Peoples:- The Donegal Reel, Black Pats, Pat McHughes (Reels).
5. Tommy Peoples:- The Kinnycally Klansmen, Julia Devine’s (Jigs)
6. Stephen Madden, JackTalty:- Black Frog - Willie Coleman’s (Jigs)
7 Stephen Madden, Jack Talty:– Flowers of Edinburgh, Mason’s Apron (reels)
8. Margaret Rea, Brid O Donohue, Deirdre O Brien, Marian Curtin:- Sonny’s, John Doherty’s( Mazurkas)
9. Mulcahy Family with Jack Talty:- An Seanduine Doite, Lonesome Jig ( Jigs)
10. Nan Tom Teaimín De Burca:- Cuachín Gleann Néifín (Song)
11. John Kelly Group:- Basket of Turf, Old Lark in the Morning (Jigs)
12. .John Kelly Group:- McGreevy’s Favourite, Drag Her Along the Road (Reels)
13. Mary Bergin and Mick Conneely:- Sliabh Russell, Kitty’s Rambles . (Jigs)
14. Mary Bergin and Mick Connelly:- Kiss the Maid Behind the Barrel, New Mown Meadow. (Reels)
15. Martin Burke:- Clogher Road. (Song)
16. Edel Fox, Ronan O Flaherty and Jack Talty:- Tatter Jack Walsh, An Rógaire Dubh, Gan Ainm (Jigs)
17. Edel Fox, Ronan O Flaherty and Jack Talty :- Duke of Leinster,New Mown Meadow, Silver Spear (Reels)
CD 2
1. Joe Burke and Anne Conroy Burke:- The Cuckoo, The Smell of the Bog. (Hornpipes)
2. .Joe Burke and Anne Conroy Burke:-– Bonny Kate, Jenny’s Chickens. (reels)
3. McPeake School:- The Rolling Wave, Jigs before Reels, Slieve Russell (Jigs).
4. Brendan McGlinchy and Ian Room:-The Gooseberry Bush, Julia Delaney’s (Reels)
5. Brendan McGlinchy and Ian Room:- Splendid Isolation (Air and Reel)
6. Connie O’Connell, Áine O Connell, Donie Nolan, Eibhlín de Paor:- West Limerick slides
7. Connie O’Connell Group:-– John Brennan’s, Mrs.Crehan’s, Mrs. Crotty’s (Reels)
8. Clare Half Set with music by the Connie O Connell Group (Reels)
9. Margaret Stewart:- Griogal Cridhe. (Song)
10. Noel Hill and Liam O Connor:- Duke of Leinster, Humours of Ballyconnell. (Reels)
11. Noel Hill and Liam O Connor:- Foxhunter’s (Slip Jig and reel)
12. Martin Hayes:- Dear Irish Boy, Young Tom Ennis, Broken Pledge, The Mountain Lark, The Graf Spey (Slow air, jig and reels)
13. John McEvoy, John Wynne and Jacinta McEvoy:- Wandering Minstrel
Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part, I Will if I Can. (Jigs)
14. John McEvoy, John Wynne and Jacinta McEvoy:- Piper’s Despair, Mullingar Lee. (Reels)
15. Brian Mullen:- It Was in London Fair. (Song)
16. Mick Kinsella and Rick Epping:- Joe O’Dowd’s, Sonny’s. (Mazurkas)
17.Mick Kinsella and Rick Epping:- Maids of Mitchellstown, Trip to Cullenstown, (Reels)
Extract from Sleeve Notes:
These CDs are published by OIDHREACHT AN CHLÁIR (OaC) with the cooperation of Scoil Samhradh Willie Clancy and with the permission of the artists.
All of the tracks on the CDs were recorded live at the Main Concert of the Willie Clancy Summer School, on 14th July, 2007. The recording was made for archive purposes and the sound was mixed, on the night, for the benefit of the audience present, publication was not envisaged at the time of recording.
For technical reasons it has not been possible to include all the performances on the night.
The performers on these CDs are amongst world’s finest exponents of the traditional arts. OaC would like to thank them for their generosity, without which the CDs could not have been produced.
Tunes are identified where possible. However, alternative titles may also apply.
Other Information:
Published by Oidhreacht an Chláir Teo. - May 2008.