Works by Tomás Ó hAodha
Introduction to the web edition:
Tomás Ó hAodha (Thomas Hayes)- 1866-1935.
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Thomas Hayes was born in Miltown Malbay in 1866. He qualified as a teacher and worked in Dublin where he was very involved in the Irish language movement and wrote a number of books in Irish for children, some being editions of international fairy tales. He was very interested in music and produced the first manual on tonic solfa in Irish – An Salfathóir Gaelach. He wrote a number of prize-winning plays (Seabhach na Ceathrú Caoile and An Scrabhadóir), as well as the poems in this edition of The Hills Of Clare. He also wrote a number of short stories in Irish.
He was responsible, in partnership with another man from Miltown Malbay – Pádraig Ó hAicher - for producing the first Irish Language map of Ireland, intended for use in schools.
Many of the poems/songs in the Hills of Clare live on in the West Clare region amongst Clare people abroad.
The Weaver was first published in The Catholic Bulletin, December 1915, over the name Thomas Hayes.
The web edition of the Hills of Clare was scanned by Jim Carroll and proofed and prepared for the internet by Donal De Barra, who also prepared The Weaver.
The Hills of Clare:
The Hills of Clare
I Stood upon Slieve Callan
I Would Sing You a War Song, Men of Clare
Where the Fields are so Green by the Shores of Malbay
Going to the Fair
The West Wind
Oh! Would I Were on Callan's Side
Farewell to Miltown Malbay
The Void
Let Me Spend One Day in Erinn
The Sacrifice
In Memoriam
Tobar Lachteen
A Chaitlín Bhig Bháin
Fair Haired Kathleen
Memories of Malbay
Prize Acrostic
Four Lines
The Weaver