Prior to the development of the townland system the lands of Ibrickane Barony were denominated in ‘quarters’ and the earliest known list of these quarters is from a survey of the O Brien estates by Henry Illsworth in 1615 in which he lists 63 quarters and gives the names of the immediate lessors. Further surveys by the O Brien Estates always accounted for approximately the same number of quarters. Glendine was always listed in the early surveys as a quarter in its own right and it would have included the present-day townlands of Glandine North and South and also Caherogan, Knockbrack, Cloughan Beg, Silverhill and part of Tooreen, although Cloughan Beg was treated as a quarter in its own rite in most surveys.
In all, for the barony of Ibrickane, the Ordnance Survey created 110 townlands (counting Mutton Island as one) from the earlier 63 quarters. Thus Kilfarboy has 40 townlands, Kilmurry Ibrickane 51 (including Mutton Island) and Killard 19.
Early maps.
As Glendine did not have any concentrated human settlement, nor any ‘big houses’ it rarely figured on maps prior to the first map by the Ordnance Survey in 1842. The maps on which it was shown are:
William Petty's map of 1685, and
Pelham's Map of 1787 which shows the general area between Clohanmore and Miltown Malbay only.
Moland's map of 1703
Schools Folklore.
The Schools Folklore Project was organised by the Department of Irish folklore in 1938. Using guidelines provided by the Department the teachers arranged for the pupils to collect folklore from the old people of their district. One of the headings for the collection was Local Placenames. Many of the children from Glendine attended Letterkelly National School and the folklore collection for that school contains a substantial Placenames list. Unfortunately the list, which obviously covers a very wide geographical area, gives no indication of location for the places named.
IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT MOST OF THE INFORMATION BELOW WAS PROVIDED BY MICHAEL JOE MCMAHON who lives in Glendine North and farms there, as well as in Tooreen and Silverhill. Any mistakes below, however, are the fault of the author.
Glendine [– Gleann Doimhin, Deep Glen.]
Location map for No. 1 Clancy's house
2. Pairc Luachra [- Pairc Luachra, the rushy meadow]. A good meadow of 17 acres now covered in forestry.
Location map for No. 3 - Brianachs
Photo - Brianachs
4. Gleota Baite – a marsh where children were drowned on there way to school. The incident is believed to have happened in the first part of the 19th century and the children were apparently travelling from Cloghaunmore to school in Fahanlunaghta or Moy. The place was, subsequently, supposed to be haunted, with the cries of the children who were drowned – hence Gleota, from gleo, noise. It is also, possible that it derives from glóthach, jelly, quivering mass, which perfectly describes the terrain and báite, wet or drowned. In more recent times sphagnum moss was harvested here. The purpose of the harvested moss is uncertain, it may have been used locally for toiletry use or exported to England where there was a strong demand for it during the War as an antiseptic wound dressing.
Location map for No. 5- Curraghavaddera
Photo - Curraghavaddera
6. Garrai Sean Sally. [- Garrai Sean Sally, Sean Sally’s Field or Garden]. Possibly called after a Sean O Connor, as all the O Connor family were referred to as ‘Sally’
Location map for No. 7 - Knocknaspooka
Pronunciation (called Spook)
Photo - Knocknaspooka
8. Gort na Groithe- Gort na Gróithe, the meaning is uncertain, it may be the field of the sheep-folds or enclosures, cró, pl. cróithe. Dineen refers to “cró stille, a still-house”, and it is notable that the O.S Field Name Book quoted “Still Fine Returns 1816” as one of the ‘Authorities’ for the name Glendine, The area seems to have acquired somewhat of a reputation for illegal spirits as well as the supernatural kind.
Location map for No.9 - Mulhundra's field
Photo - Mulhundra's Field
10 Kate Stacks Field. The Stack family lived at Knocknaspooka, but the lady in question cannot now be identified. The present main road through Glendine North is shown on the Location map for No 10 - Kate Stack's
11. Garrai Caol. [- Garrai Caol, the narrow garden]
Location map for No. 12 - Donaleen Pharaic's
Photo - Donaleen Phadraig's
13. Poul Crochawn, This was a stretch of the river where the banks were very steep.
Location map for No 14 - Garrai Doib Bwee
Photo - Garrai Doib Bwee
15. Garrai Eanna, [Garrai Eanna, Eanna’s Garden]. There is currently no information on Eanna.
Location map for No. 16 - Knock an Uisce Buaile
17. Site of Mud Cabins. See No 18. Below
Location map for no. 18 - Hill's Quarry
Photo site of Hill's quarry
19. Ceimashanavoe [- Céim a Sean Bhó the Step or Track of the Old Cow, or Geim a Sean Bhó The Bellow of the Old Cow], This is described by the Field Name books as being located “In the townland boundaries of Silverhill and Glandine”. It is described as “A large high hill”. I have not found any memory of the name but there are many traces of old roads in the location indicated by the namebooks. There is a townland in the neighbouring parish of Kilmurry Ibrickane called Shanaway which derives from the Irish Sean Bhoth, the Old Cabin, although the element Both in placenames often signifies a church. In this context it is possible that Ceimashanavoe referred to a Road to the Old Church, most of the traces of old roads are orientated towards Shanaway.
20. Poul a Gow [- Poll a Gabha, the hole of the Blacksmith]
Location map for No. 21 - Mulloy's
22. The O.S. Field Namebook refers to a fort called Lissakith in this townland but they did not show it on any map, nor is now known locally.