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This book was published, in magazine format, to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the establishment of Mount Saint Joseph Christian Brothers School, in 1824.
Unfortunately we are not in a position to reproduce the full publication at this time but, hopefully the remaining articles will be supplied at a later date.
OaC are indebted to Jimmy McMahon for his voluntary work in digitising these articles and to Mr. Micheál O Maolchaoine for permission to publish them in our on-line archive.
The text has been reproduced here as closely as possible to the original, with only obvious typographical errors being corrected (The title of the article originally on page 73) – CLARE MUSIC: Gilbert Barry and Willie Clancy, has been changed to read ‘Garret Barry’
OaC do not necessarily endorse or accept any opinions or facts quoted in the book.
Scanning and proof-reading was by Jimmy McMahon, additional proof-reading and organisation for the internet by Donal De Barra.
Donal De Barra.
1 January 2008
Introduction to the web edition
Front Cover: Photo:The Monastery 1884-1933
Title Page.
Contents Page
Photo: The Monastery courtesy of National Library, Lawrence Collection.
Focal ón bhFear Eagair.
Message from His Lordship the Bishop of Galway.
Message from Br. Kelleher, Provincial, St. Helen's Province.
Roinn I:
Stair na Scoileanna.
The First Hundred Years, By M. A Ó Duibheannaigh.
The Schools in Their Setting, 1914-1924. By M. Ó Maolchaoine.
Some Articles omitted here.
Roinn II Éigse
The Irish Tradition of Clare By Pádraig Ó Fiannachta.
Chart: Scríbhneoirí an Chláir 1200-1650 - Pádraig O Riain and Sean Hegarty.
Chart: Scríbhneoirí an Chláir 1700-1800 - Pádraig O Riain and Sean Hegarty.
Chart: Scríbhneoirí an Chláir 1800-1825 - Pádraig O Riain and Sean Hegarty.
Chart: Scríbhneoirí an Chláir 1825-1900 - Pádraig O Riain and Sean Hegarty.
Aodh Buídhe Mac Cruitín By Liam O Looney.
The MacMahons: Scribes of Ennistymon An tOllamh Pádraig O Riain.
Muintir Luanaigh ó Inis Díomáin By Máirín Ní Mhuiríosa.
Tomás Ua h-Allmhuráin ( An Saor Mór) By Liam Ó Luanaigh, Sr.
Clare Music: Garret Barry and Willie Clancy By Breandán Breathnach.
Roinn III (omitted here)
Roinn IV Saol na nDaoine
Description of Ennistymon about A.D. 1800 By James Kenny, Archdeacon of Kilfenora.
Picture of Social life around Ennnistymon about 1824 By M Ó Maolchaoine.