Martin Junior Crehan
Musical Compositions and Memories.
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Contents Page.
Preface by Angela Crotty..........................................................................3
Memories of Martin Junior Crehan by Muiris Ó Rócháin........... ................4
The Luachrachán's Jig ...............................................................................9
(A leprechaun had one hump on his back, the luachrachán had 2 humps)
The Mowing Machine ..............................................................................10
The Mist Covered Mountain .....................................................................11
Farewell to Miltown Malbay .....................................................................12
Poll an Mhadra Uisce (The Otter's Holt) ... ... ... .......................................13
Caisleán an Óir (The Golden Castle) .........................................................14
The Sheep in The Boat .............................................................................15
Her Lovely Hair was Flowing down her Back ... ... ... ...............................16
Lament for The Country House Dance ... ... ... ..........................................17
The Stack of Oats ....................................................................................18
The Stack of Rye .....................................................................................19
Mo Ghrá Thú (My love to you) ... ... ........................................................20
The Hills of Coore ....................................................................................21
The West Clare Railway ...........................................................................22
Crehan's Banbhs ... ... ...............................................................................23
The Thatched Cabin .................................................................................24
The Musical Doctor ..................................................................................26
May Bán (Dear May) ... ... ... ...................................................................27
I Have a House of my Own with a Chimney built on the top of it ... ............30
The Last House in Ballymackea ................................................................31
Songs Lament for Willie Clancy - 1 ... ... .............................................................32
To Junior - Memories of the Past ..............................................................38
Letter (Clareman of the Year 1989) ..........................................................41
A Quilty Man's Dream .............................................................................47
Lament for my dear brother, Dr. Tony Crehan M.D. ... ... ........................49
Tribute to Scully Casey ............................................................................50
Lament for Willie Clancy - 2 ....................................................................51
Lament for Willie Clancy - 3 ....................................................................53
Gleesons 1989 ........................................................................................54
How I lived to be 90 ... ... ... ....................................................................61
Junior's Epitaph ........................................................................................62
Parting by Tim Dennehy ............................................................................63
Other Information:
The Preface by Angela Crotty
This book of tunes and songs has been compiled as a tribute to Martin 'Junior' Crehan. The production presents Junior's music and song compositions as he had originally composed them and in doing so to honour his wish in passing on to others the tradition and culture of West Clare as he did unconditionally during his life. This compilation is the first published collection of his works. Composing music and song came naturally to him. He took great pride in his music, songs, storytelling, dances, folklore and all aspects of our Irish culture which were handed down to him. His compositions were very precious to him. He won an All-Ireland medal for composition in 1953 in Mullingar. Working on the land and being so close to nature became the source of inspiration for many of his compositions:
'I saved hay in the meadow,
Cut turf in the bog on a fine summer day,
And the lark in the heavens, his sweet note resounding,
Would help to drive troubles and cares all away'
(A quote from Junior in Clare Association Yearbook 1990)
Sound appealed to him, the birds singing, the babbling stream, the sound of the mowing machine, the squeal of the bonham, the wheels on the track of the West Clare Railway and anything that created rhythm. These sounds were music to his ears and as a result he composed jigs, reels, hornpipes and slow air. He also had a unique ability to convert slow airs into dance tunes. For example, he used the air ‘Caoineadh an tSagairt' to compose the hornpipe 'Caisleán an Óir'. The lyrics for his songs were of a personal nature to him.
There is a great draíocht and tradition in Martin 'Junior's' music and it reflects his calm and relaxed personality and his peaceful attitude to life. Publishing his works ensures their transmission to future generations.
Quote from Martin 'Junior' :
'Music and composition are God-given gifts and should be respected'.