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Front Cover by Brendan Howard
Title Page
Editorial and Production
Contents and Acknowledgements
Reluctant Rebel; The Story of Francis Lysaght, Esq. United Irishman by Francis J. Litton
John Singleton Copely R.A. (1738-1815) by Gerald O'Connell
P.J. Linnane; His Role in a Changing Ireland by Sean Spellissy
Canoes and Fishermen in West Clare by Ignatius Murphy
Edward Bennett by Flan Enright
In Search of John Phillip Holland by Martin Coen
Short Story: Corporal Works by Michael Coady
Poems by Edward Power
James Joyce; The Dublin Wingman by Hubert mcDermott
Poem: Dublin by Julie Heneghan
Poem: Dubliner by Edmund Lenihan
Short Story: Jamesy's Vision by Edmund Lenihan
The Piper Hugh McCurtin by His Son Hugh McCurtin
Poem by P.J. Curtis
Photos: Ten Years of the Willie Clancy Summer School
The Church and Dancing in Ireland by Breandán Breathnach
Johnny Patterson; The Rambler from Clare by Harry Bradshaw
The Nature of Ireland's Traditional Song by Tom Munnelly
Review 1: Some Clare Music on Recent Records by Roly Browne
Review 2: Our Musical Heritage by Breandán Breathnach
Review 3; Record; Michael Flanagan: Traditional Singer by Tom Munnelly
Quilty Long Ago; Reminiscences from M. Walshe and J. Fennell by Harry Hughes and Muiris Ó'Rócháin
Poems by Noel Mulqueen and Danno Coote
Poems by James Liddy
Seamus Ó Duillearga
Seamus Delargy and North Clare by Máire Mac Neill
Paddy Sherlock's Stories From Béaloideas
Seamus Ó Duillearga: A Premiere for Stiofán by Séamus Ó Dea
Poems by Desmond O Grady
Eamonn Devalera in 1917; The Undoing of the Easter Rising by David Fitzpatrick
Laoi Chathú an Eadóchais le Cyril Ó Céirín
Tomás Ó Tighearnaigh agus a chuid Bhéarsaíochta le Séamus O Frighil
Back Cover Design by Brendan Howard
Front Cover by Brendan Howard
Title Page
Editorial and Production
Contents and Acknowledgements
Reluctant Rebel; The Story of Francis Lysaght, Esq. United Irishman by Francis J. Litton
John Singleton Copely R.A. (1738-1815) by Gerald O'Connell
P.J. Linnane; His Role in a Changing Ireland by Sean Spellissy
Canoes and Fishermen in West Clare by Ignatius Murphy
Edward Bennett by Flan Enright
In Search of John Phillip Holland by Martin Coen
Short Story: Corporal Works by Michael Coady
Poems by Edward Power
James Joyce; The Dublin Wingman by Hubert mcDermott
Poem: Dublin by Julie Heneghan
Poem: Dubliner by Edmund Lenihan
Short Story: Jamesy's Vision by Edmund Lenihan
The Piper Hugh McCurtin by His Son Hugh McCurtin
Poem by P.J. Curtis
Photos: Ten Years of the Willie Clancy Summer School
The Church and Dancing in Ireland by Breandán Breathnach
Johnny Patterson; The Rambler from Clare by Harry Bradshaw
The Nature of Ireland's Traditional Song by Tom Munnelly
Review 1: Some Clare Music on Recent Records by Roly Browne
Review 2: Our Musical Heritage by Breandán Breathnach
Review 3; Record; Michael Flanagan: Traditional Singer by Tom Munnelly
Quilty Long Ago; Reminiscences from M. Walshe and J. Fennell by Harry Hughes and Muiris Ó'Rócháin
Poems by Noel Mulqueen and Danno Coote
Poems by James Liddy
Seamus Ó Duillearga
Seamus Delargy and North Clare by Máire Mac Neill
Paddy Sherlock's Stories From Béaloideas
Seamus Ó Duillearga: A Premiere for Stiofán by Séamus Ó Dea
Poems by Desmond O Grady
Eamonn Devalera in 1917; The Undoing of the Easter Rising by David Fitzpatrick
Laoi Chathú an Eadóchais le Cyril Ó Céirín
Tomás Ó Tighearnaigh agus a chuid Bhéarsaíochta le Séamus O Frighil
Back Cover Design by Brendan Howard