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Front Cover Design based on the Comber letters
Title Page
Editorial and Acknowledgements
The Richest Commoner in Ireland: Sir Donough O'Brien of Lemenagh and Dromoland, Baronet, (1642-1717) b y Ciarán O Murchadha
Some Seamen of Co.Clare Birth or Descent by John de Courcy Ireland
A Town for Sale: Landlord-Tenant Relations in Kilkee in the 1860's by Ignatius Murphy
3 Poems by James liddy
Stephen Joseph Meany by Joe Power
Lucht Scríófa Lámhscríbhinní i gContae an Chláir san 18ú hAois le Eilís Ní Dheá
Micheál Coimín: Gaelic Poet of Miltown Malbay (c.1688-1760) by Muiris Ó Rócháin
2 Poems by John Doorty and Nora Fahy
Thomas Hayes of Miltown Malbay by Diarmuid Breathnach and Máire Ní Mhurchú
THe Musical Heritage of Mrs Crotty by Michael Tubridy
The Song of the Chanter by Eamonn Brophy
Tom Lenihan: An Appreciation by Tom Munnelly
A Poem: Tom Lenihan by Tim Dennehy
Nora Cleary by Tim Dennehy
John Kelly: An Appreciation by Eamon McGivney
Dan O'Dowd: An Appreciation by Liam McNulty
Traditional Music and Politics: A Musician's Opinion by Fintan Vallely
The Love-songs of Conamara by Ríónach uí Ógáin
Sean Reid: 1907-78: A Pivotal Role in Traditional Music by Mick O'Connor
3 Poems by P.J. Curtis, Chris Walsh and Sinead Spellissy
An Outside Part of the World: The Combers and Australia by David Fitzpatrick
Cassette Review: The Shores of Lough Graney by Barry Taylor
Warped Minds and Grim Moralities: An Appraisal of the Novel Michael Joe by Harry Hughes
Back Cover Letter from Patrick Comber